Bible SuperSearch 5.6.0 Released!

Bible SuperSearch 5.6.0 has been released. This release is primarily a ministry / outreach release, and comes with the goal of adding support for many languages and people groups, especially those in areas where access to Bibles is limited or restricted. On the user interface side and on the API, this release adds Bibles, user interface translations and/or book lists for several languages.  See list below. In addition, we have revised and improved our support of right-to-left (RTL) languages. Albanian Arabic Bengali Burmese Dutch/Flemish Hausa Hebrew (Modern) Indonesian Gujarati Kannada Korean Marathi Nepali Persian Polish Punjabi Somali Swahili Tagalog Tajiki / Tajik Tamil Telugu Tibetan Urdu Uyghur Vietnamese Wolof  

Bible SuperSearch 5.5.0 Released Featuring bookmarks, history, side buttons, common word restrictions and more

Bible SuperSearch 5.5.0 has been released. On the client side, this adds the ability for users to add and modify bookmarks Also added on the client side: Side navigation buttons Some new User Interface translations, along with the ability to select which languages show in the language selector. History items now persist between between page loads Passage shortcut aliases are now included (and translated) in the quick start dialog On the API side, this release adds some features to reduce the load on your server; namely the ability to prevent common words for a given language (ie a, and, the for English) to be used as search keywords.  These are configured by language.  Along with the ability to prevent parallel searching across Bibles of different language.  

Bible SuperSearch API 5.4.1 Released MySQL 8.0 now supported

We have updated the API to be able to use a MySQL 8.0 database. Previously, some regular expression queries were not working on MySQL 8.0 because MySQL changed their regular expression implementation in version 8.0.4. This update only affects the API. You only need this update if you’re running Mysql 8.0. You may find this update on our Software Downloads page.  

Bible SuperSearch 5.4.0 released!

Bible SuperSearch 5.4.0 includes the following improvements and new features: All dialogs have been improved and reformatted to fit on screens of mobile devices, and to position better on the screens of any device, mobile or desktop. The text and link sharing dialogs now use the native share dialog on mobile devices New history dialog allows users to backtrack to passage or searches they’ve visited recently. Strong’s hover tooltip improvements including hover intent delay which prevents the dialog from opening immediately after hovering.   Also, the dialog can be configured to be opened by clicking the link instead. Swipe navigation.  On touchscreen devices, left and right swipe can now navigate between chapters and search results pages. Passage autocomplete.  Now, you can quickly find the book(s) for each reference.

Bible SuperSearch 5.1.0 released

Bible SuperSearch 5.1.0 has been released. On the user interface, this brings two new ‘Bible Browsing’ interface options, along with Chinese language support. On the API, this fixes and improves Chinese language support, adding the ability to look up passages using either traditional or simplified Chinese.  Also added are Excel output for the download page, a config to label and describe research-only Bibles, and PHP 8.2 support. On both the API and Word Press plugin, we’ve made some significant improvements to the download page.  Also, WP plugin administrators can now easily see which Bibles are for research only, to better decide which they want to appear on their websites.

Bible SuperSearch 5.0.0 Released

Bible SuperSearch 5.0 has been released! This release brings a plethora of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This release marks the official release of the Bible importer within our API software. If you have your own installation of our API, you can now add Bibles from several different formats, including Excel spreadsheets. Here is a summary of significant new features and changes: Universal Client (formerly known as the ‘stand-alone’ client) WordPress plugin Language selector. Users can now change the display language. Added Interface: Expanding Large Input. Similar to our basic expanding form, but with larger text inputs. New UI translation: Romanian New format button options, including a decluttered minimal set with a new settings dialog containing the hidden buttons no format buttons at all. Highlighting toggle. Toggle keyword highlighting on and off. Added ‘verse’ display option, with the ability to toggle between paragraph, passage and verse display. EZ-Copy formatting options: Ability to control the format of the text to copy. Added new (instant) copy button. Copies text based on current copy settings without showing the preview. Added ‘Clear Form’ button. Deprecated: the legacy format buttons with old icons. Added a selector to chose Bible list sorting (WordPress Plugin). API: Bible importers. You can now import Bibles in various formats into the API. New Bibles with Strongs’ numbers including Spanish and Chinese. New Bible: NET Bible® After careful consideration, we have determined that the non-commercial copyright on the NET Bible® falls under

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Bible SuperSearch 4.4.2 Released

This update fixes a bug that for some users caused Bible text to display as Right-to-Left even though the Bible wasn’t in a RTL language. Also fixed are some broken shortcode features on the WordPress plugin. This bugfix only affects the client software.  The API is not affected.

Bible SuperSearch 4.4.0 Released

Bible SuperSearch 4.4.0 has been released. This release provided numerous new features on the client and API. On the client and WordPress plugin, we have added the ability to translate the user interface (UI). In this release, the interface language options include English, French and Spanish.  More languages to come.  We are also looking for volunteers who wish to translate the UI into their own language. On the API, we have added an easy-to-use Bible importer.  However, this is currently still in beta, so it may have bugs or other issues. Also, the API now works in PHP versions 7.4 and 8.0 Full Changelog: Client / WordPress plugin   Added UI language option Added ability to display help / download dialog buttons separately from formatting buttons. Added ‘Minimal with Parallel Bible’ skin Added print button for printing the showing Bible text Added new Basic help dialog Added new share link dialog API: Added phoning home config to disable contacting main API to check for updates Made API action links clickable on API action descriptions Beta: Bible import UI Proximity searches now always restricted to within the chapter in Psalms. (Reason: The ‘chapter’ divisions in Psalms were part of the original, inspired text).  ‘*’ now acts as infinite wildcard, similar to other search engines Bugfix: Including single letter keywords such as ‘I’ or ‘a’ was causing breakage. Bugfix: Putting a reference in the ‘request’ field was being treated as a search when Limit

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Bible SuperSearch 4.3.4 Released!

Bible SuperSearch 4.3.4 has been released. This is a bugfix release, and only applies to the API. Fixed an issue causing breakage for some users when attempting to install the API.  (Somehow, the internal routing and 3rd party framework libraries were routing the request onto handlers intended for console / command line operations, and expected constants (STDIN) were not available. ) Clarified the verbiage on the installer when indicating that the provided database credentials are incorrect.

Bible SuperSearch 4.3.3 Released

Bible SuperSearch 4.3.3 has been released.  This is a bugfix release. API: Security Fix: Applied upstream Composer security fix(es) Bugfix: Fixed Javascript error on administrative Bible manager Standalone Client / WordPress Plugin Bugfix: Fixed issues with responsiveness on the Bible SOS, Start, and Download dialogs Bugfix: Fixed display issues with Download button